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The Dam Dilemma

Dams have been a huge factor in the massive mussel decline of the past, and continue to negatively affect populations of the present. How will future fair for our freshwater friends, and what can you do to help?

What is a Dam?

A dam is a structure with several functions including energy production, flood protection, water storage, irrigation, and more. Dams vary in size and location, holding and controlling water on rivers, streams, and other waterways. Although the hydroelectric power that dams can create can be highly beneficial towards agriculture and recreation, the presence of them caused a huge debacle in the past in regards to freshwater mussels, decreasing their populations drastically.

Why Are Dams So Debilitating to Mussels? 

The addition of dams to waterways blocks natural water flow, turning moving waters into stagnant ones. Along with changing the patterns of water movement, host fish populations are also blocked, preventing freshwater mussels from properly reproducing.  

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